Saturday, August 16, 2008


何必东奔西跑, 艳丽贷款最好!


1. 自己买过房,贷过款,装修过房,对房屋贷款有扎实的第一手亲身的经验。

2. 艳丽大学毕业后,当过7年数学教师,对贷款背后的数学逻辑,了如指掌。

3. 艳丽是一个贤惠的妻子,善良的母亲,为人一贯以诚实和善良作指南。

4. 艳丽是加拿大最好的贷款网络公司VERICO的会员,会从30多个房屋贷款公司中给您 找到最好的批发价利息,适合您的优质的贷款。

5. 艳丽不但知道今天的利息,还知道昨天的利息, 所以会给您的贷款一个更全面、更周到的分析。

6. 艳丽有14个合作伙伴,强强联手,办贷款及时,不拖延,干净利落,没泥没水。

Hello, my name is Yanli Song. I am a loving wife and mother of three little children. After receiving my BSc, I worked as a mathematics teacher for 7 years at a technical school in Shandong province, China. I immigrated to Canada in 2000. I have lived in three Canadian provinces (Ontario, BC and Alberta) as I accompanied my husband for his MSc, PhD and postdoctoral studies.

I became very interested in mortgage after my husband and I purchased a bi-level house from a builder. I shopped around for a mortgage, and got the information a borrower usually gets: interest rate, monthly payment, and the total amounts of interest and principle paid over the term of the loan. However, my requests were deeper: (1) should I take a variable rate or a fixed rate mortgage, and where can I get the historical rates of these two mortgages and compare their behavior in a historical context? (2) When Bank of Canada changes its prime rate, what is the average lag time in the rate changes of the above-mentioned two mortgages? (3) How fast would I pay off my mortgage if I chose bi-weekly accelerated payments? I wanted to know the interest and principle proportions of each payment.

I am a deep thinker. Contact me today and I will unlock the mystery of mortgage for you. You demand no less the best of your home, and you should not be kept in darkness.

I feel fortunate to be part of VERICO, the leading Canada-wide mortgage brokers network, by joining the excellent team at VERICO Canada First Mortgage. Choose me today as your mortgage expert and I will give you the best rate, best product, and of course the best service you deserve!